Includes a series of five salvage DVDs, including Mikhail Lermontov and President Coolidge. Also two DVDs about the Boyd in Whangaroa Harbour.

Results 1 - 13 of 13

Marine DVDs

Anro Asia Salvage

Anro Asia DVD about the stranding of this ship off New ...

$ 20.00

Mikhail Lermontov Salvage

The Mikhail Lermontov sank in Port Gore New Zealand in 1986

$ 20.00

President Coolidge Salvage

A Lynton Diggle film showing the oil recovery from this WW2 ...

$ 20.00

The Duke Salvage

DVD about the salvage of a ship called The Duke in 1983

$ 20.00

The Great Liners

The Great Liners of P&O and Orient Lines

$ 38.95

The Great Liners Part 10

Port Line & Ben Line

$ 38.95

The Great Liners Part 12

From Broadway to Bermuda

$ 38.95

The Great Liners Part 6

The British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd

$ 38.95

The Great Liners Part 7

Around the Cape - Ellerman Lines and Union Castle

$ 38.95

The Great Liners Part 8

Echoes of the Mersey

$ 38.95

The Remains of the Boyd

Boyd shipwreck Whangaroa Harbour

$ 24.95
Video Format

The Tragedy of the Boyd

A Story of mistaken identity and revenge, against a ...

$ 19.95

Waigani Express Salvage

DVD about the salvage off the Waigani Express in 1981

$ 20.00
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