The Great Liners Part 12

From Broadway to Bermuda

In the first half of this DVD we take a look and sail aboard some of the cargo ships that flew the colours of Furness Withy and Prince Line:"Newfoundland", "Pacific Reliance", "Egyptian Prince", "Tudor Prince" and the "Stuart Prince".

There is a tremendous storm sequence as we battle our way across the North Atlantic in mid-winter (You had to be there to know what it was like!)

The second half of the DVD is all about the Furness Bermuda Line and, with the help of more very rare archive film, takes us right back to the early 1920's to sail abouard the "Bermuda"

Using only moving images we follow the story of this famous line, sailing aboard the "Queen of Bermuda", "Monarch of Bermuda" and finally the "Ocean Monarch". When designed and built, these ships were among the most luxurious and technically advanced in the world and greatly prized by both their passengers and crew.

Available PAL only. Approx 58 minutes.

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