Salty Dits

Some tales from the MLs by those who served in them.

During the Second World War the New Zealand Government purchased three Bird class minesweepers and four Isle Class minesweepers.
To this small fleet, eleven minesweeping trawlers were built in New Zealand along with twelve anti-submarine, B Type Fairmiles. Sixteen Harbour Defence
Motor Launches (HDMLs) were also purchased from overseas.
After the war, many of these 72 foot HDMLs were retained to work around the New Zealand coast.
This is their story as told by those who served in them.
Gerry Wright who compiled this book and served in the Royal New Zealand Navy, had command of one of these in 1965.
335 pages with black and white photos.

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More information about the MLs is available here at this Blog by
Thane Zander



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