
The Duke DVD

In July 1983 the Manhattan Duke, an 82,000 tonne oil tanker ran aground on a reef just outside Port Moresby. The Duke wasnt carrying oil at the time but her tanks are full of explosive gas.

Salvage Master Ian Lockley offered assistance which was accepted by the ships Captain, but the Japanese owners have instructed the Captain not to co-operate and deny a salvage agreement is in place. The owners deny access to the ships plans to assist with the salvage. If the ship does sink the salvours wouldn't get paid, also with an oversupply of shipping on the world market, maybe its better for the owners to let her sink.

Running time 23 minutes.

Produced, directed and photographed by Lynton Diggle for Salvage Pacific and Marine Pacific PNG Ltd. in association with TVNZ 1984.

Available in PAL format only.

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